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9 Strategies to Explode Your eCommerce Sales

Like all businesses, Im sure you want to have 9 bulletproof proven ways, to explode your leads that drive more sales for your business…

Would I be right?

If your answer is yes, then we have some super important strategies for you to do just that!

Running an online business these days is tough…

But in todays blog post we have marketing strategies that will make everything infinitely easier for you and your business…

How do we know, because these 9 strategies have been tested, proven and actually work!

These battle-hardened tips will result in your website generating more leads, which grow your email list and get you more sales for your eCommerce store…

Lets get started!

Contact List Growth (Email, Phone Numbers, etc)

This is the single most important list your business can have. It should be the starting point before anything else…

This part of the jigsaw can take time but produce incredible results so you should try to get started as soon as you can…

The healthier your list is, ultimately the more sales your eCommerce store will generate…

And it is that simple…

But the real question is, how do I grow my list?

One of the best ways is to use a variety of opt-in campaigns…

By opt-in campaigns we mean our familiar friends such as:

  • Floating Bars
  • Popups
  • Quizs
  • Lead Magnet Landing Pages
  • And lost more…

When you offer something of genuine value to the reader through one of these methods, you will grow your list fast!

Value pieces you could use are things like discount coupons, special offers, lead magnet info etc…

To help you achieve this, you can use lots of tools in Nevanto Digital for these, including popups, sticky bars, landing pages, coupon code offers and lots more…

Nevanto Digital is a leading omnichannel marketing automation solution…

It allows anyone to create professional and high-converting email list growth strategies in a matter of minutes…

Plus absolutely zero coding skills are needed…

Here is how it works:

Choose the function you want for example popup, stick bar, landing page etc..

(psst we have lots of pre-built templates to choose from too, these are ready to go, out of the box)…

Next choose from one of our pre-built templates or design your own from scratch with our easy drag and drop builder…

Our pre-built templates are designed to save you time and energy to help you grow your email list faster…

Set whatever campaign rules you wish from the options…

From here, you are able to personalize your campaign to your target audience with quick easy step options…

If you want to change any design elements such as images, text etc, you can do so directly and easily in the editable builder:

And boom, your audience will be engaged in lots of different campaign type ways…

These simple step by step processes let you easily create high quality converting campaigns with advanced options in just minutes…

So creating a list building masterpiece is just half the battle…

Next, you need to make sure you show the right option to the right person at the right time in their own buyer journey…

This is where Nevanto Digital Advanced targeting really turns up the heat…

We are going to use popups as an example for this…

We have some of the most popular high converting options for you:

  • Page-Level Targeting: Skyrocket conversions by matching the on page content the visitor is reading with a related offer
  • Exit Page Intent: re-engage those bouncing visitors when they are leaving your website with exit intent popups to prompt them to give their details for a valuable offer
  • Geo-Location Filter: Match your offers to visitors physical location, it is a super way to hyper personalize your messaging
  • Website Re-targeting: Show different offers and info to returning visitors or existing contacts on your list that will match them on their buyer journey

These are just some of the most popular targeting rules, but there are lots more options to discover inside Nevanto Digital…

Once you capture a new lead, the contact info will automatically flow into your contacts list inside your Nevanto Digital Account…

From here you can have automated email messages and lots more, which we build out with our customers that will bring the buyer on a journey to the point of begging to purchase…

All automated, on autopilot…

Ready to check it out for real?

Click the below button to set up a Free Strategy call worth €497 with one of our expert digital strategists.


Email Marketing Automation

So sending a newsletter to contacts is great, and we recommend you do that, but there is so much more you can utilize…

To really up your game and make your email marketing work better that you can dream!

Is by sending out targeted, planned, and automated email campaign sequences that focuses on one common call to action…

For eCommerce stores, one of the most effective sales driving campaigns is using an abandoned cart email sequence…

This campaign will boost sales through pre-built automated email message sequence to abandoned cart visitors…

We have templates for abandoned cart email campaigns that we build out for our Nevanto Digital customers coupled with built automation campaign sequence that you can see here:

In Nevanto Digital, these pre-built emails will dynamically pick up the relevant products from your visitor’s cart basket and email these to drive re-engagement to finish their purchase…

This is a super-effective way to have an automated schedule to win back those abandoned shoppers and lost revenue…

Oh, before I forget, Nevanto Digital can sync with your eCommerce store super easily…

Such as Woo Commerce, Shopify, Magento etc and we can link all this for you during our on-boarding process…

This will allow you to have a fully automated synced solution…

You can even have a welcome warm-up email series after new customers purchase their first item from your store…

This will create huge amounts of goodwill and help you position more exciting products right in front of their eyes…

Automated email marketing is an excellent way to convert more leads into repeat spending customers…

Social Proof on Steroids

It is no great, hidden secret that social proof can have instant results in boosting sales…

This is because of the buyer phenomenon of FOMO (fear of missing out)…

In essence, it is when someone sees another person have a positive experience, and they want a piece of that positive pie too…

If you can include social proofing throughout your website you will have it dripping with FOMO for your visitors…

They will have a clear view of others that have taken action in buying your product or service and are all the better for doing so…

Thus increasing the chances of your other visitors taking action too. Which is a whole pile of more sales with very little extra effort…

But how can you add social proof in a way that is easy, effective and super powerful?

There are lots of tools out there that can do this for you, for example, Trustpilot, TrustPulse etc…

These are super tools and you have more than likely seen them on lots of websites…

They are very flexible and allow you to add lots of different social proof notifications throughout your very own website…

You may have seen something like this:

It is a brilliant example of a recent purchase by another website visitor…

So when someone buys an item form your eComm shop, a small notification is generated to alert other website visitors that someone else has just purchased the product… 

This is a super powerful way to encourage other visitors to take action and buy your products…

Now there are 4 types of Social Proof methods we recommend you look at:

  1. Recent Visitor Activity: have a live feed of website activity like sign ups, views, purchases and lots more
  2. Action Takers: Show the amount of visitors on your website that have taken action over a period of time
  3. Visitor Analytics: Show active interest in your different website pages with real page visit totals over a given time
  4. Messages: have static messages that encourages your visitor to take action by giving important decision making information

Variety is key as it gives you social proofing across every stage of your eCommerce store…

A classic example would be to show visitors the number of previous visitors to a particular landing page with Visitor Analytics…

Once this leads to sales flowing in, you can change Recent Visitor Activity or Action Takers to really ramp up your social proof muscle and get even better results!

This is a great way to really drive home your sales tactics in an organic way that will lead to incredible results…

Push Notifications Sales Buster

Push notifications are a really powerful underutilized tactic…

They are becoming more and more popular with eComm brands as a marketing strategy…

Why is this you may ask?

Well, it is because they give you a direct channel of communication to your audience, even if they are not currently on your website…

Also, your conversion subscription rates are usually higher as there is less commitment from your website visitor…

All they have to do is click to allow them to receive notifications on their browser, no contact info or email addresses are needed…

Push notifications are a brilliant solution for lots of tactics including:

  • Stating special offers (like sales, free shipping, buy one get one free deal, etc.)
  • Broadcasting new promotions
  • Promoting blog posts
  • Redirecting visitors to a different landing or product pages
  • And lots, lots more…

When you send out a browser push notification, this will be pushed to your subscribers browser and sit there until they interact (either click to view or close the notification)…

You might be wondering if this will be any good for you when caught for time and you have 100s of other things to do…

Great news, in Nevanto Digital we have browser push notifications that you can have flying out the gate in minutes…

Just like you can see from the below image:

Nevanto Digitals browser push notifications is a great way to get your very own up and running in a quick and easy step by step guide…

No technical skills are required whatsoever…

There is just a small link of code to your website which we install for you during your on-boarding process…

Also, we have lots of pre-built browser push notifications templates for you to choose from…

As you get more experienced and expertise grow, you can scale the options and design for maximum impact…

So in no time at all, you will build an army of subscribers giving you a new powerful way to send them your messaging…

In Nevanto Digital, you can then have these new subscribers automatically fed into automated drip campaigns to really personalize their buyer journey with you…

You could send push notifications spread out over a couple of weeks, with your top performing content including blog posts, eBooks etc…

Our platform options can take it even further, by segmenting your audience into different lists depending on their website behaviour for you to hyper match the message with their buyer stage…

Browser push notifications can be used for lots more including abandoned cart messages, A/B testing and lots, lots more…

In essence, this is a great channel for you to communicate with your audience to drive more leads and sales for your eCommerce store…

Looking to chat about Nevanto Digitals Options?


Run a Giveaway Contest

Online giveaways are a great way to drive more traffic and boost engagement with your eComm store…

You can tailor your prize to match your targeted audience and this will really resonate with your ideal buyers…

Also, this is a great way to try and avoid any contacts just entering to win the prize and not have an interest in your products…

Once you get the right prize nailed down that appeals to your market and showcases your products, you will have a major upswing in your email list growth and ultimately your sales…

There are tons of giveaway software you can use on your website but one we particularly like is KickoffLabs

KickoffLabs is a super powerful giveaway tool for websites…

With your giveaway, we recommend multiple entries points to enter for your audience…

This means that the same entrant can enter the giveaway multiple times, increasing their chances of winning the prize. All thats required from them is to complete your pre-defined CTAs (call to action)…

So lets take the scenario of you wanting to get more traffic to a particular product page…

Your giveaway could have 3 different entry points:

  • Visit the product page
  • Share the giveaway on your social media
  • Watch YouTube demo video of the product

Now the entrants have a couple of different ways they can enter your giveaway…

This is a super powerful way to get more traction and engagement from your audience with your eComm store and brand…

You could also show your giveaway on your existing web pages and blog articles or maybe create a brand new landing page for your giveaway…

Use Nevanto Digital for your very own repository of high converting landing pages, with lots of templates and easily editable drag and drop function page builder…

Just like our landing page sample example below:

Its one of the best ways you can increase your eComm sales strategies, running an online giveaway is always a quality bet and is up there with some of the best tactics…

Link Your Social Media to Your Website

A really great way to raise the experience of your audience and following is to link your social strategy with your website…

Most business and marketers separately manage their social media and website…

They might just have some social media follow page icon links dispersed throughout their website…

But you can take it to the next level, to get even more engagement and exposure to your audience…

Bet your wondering, how?

By simply adding a social media feed to your website…

This has some super benefits:

  • Increasing your Social Media Following: Get more of your organic website visitors to view your social media accounts
  • Increase On-Page Time: This extra content will keep your visitors engaged for longer thus increasing the time spent on your website
  • Improve User Experience (UX): It gives your users much more information without having to search more for the answers to the problems

There are lots of really cool tools to plug in your Social Media feeds to your website…

These will let you add your social media feeds directly to your website…

You can have feeds from your:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • YouTube
  • Twitter

And many more…

You can usually edit the design and look of your social media feed, so it matches your websites branding and feel…

This will build consistency of your brand with your audience and increase your trustworthiness…

You can then have your social media feeds on lots of your websites pages including your blog post pages to get the maximum engagement from your sites visitors…

The moral of the story, the more info you can leverage on your website, the more leads and sales you it will produce…

Blog Articles

Blog articles are a super powerful way to build a loyal audience following…

There is a right way and a wrong way to start out with your blog. We want to run through the right way with you here…

So starting a blog is a lot like starting a new business…

When you first start, try to offer just a narrow selection of your core topics. As your audience grows, you can branch out into less core related topics. This will grow your niche with your increasing audience which is exactly the aim of a blog…

Over time, your blog posts will grow more organic traffic coming to your website…

Having a blog is a long term strategy and will be a relatively safe bet for long term website traffic compared to expensive advertising campaigns that can be very unpredictable in terms of consistency…

While paid ad campaigns are very important for leads flowing onto your funnel, a blog can also be a great way to get organic leads through your funnel…

Get your blog started today with this simple action…

Ask your top ideal customers what are the main 3 problems they need solving in your market…

This will give you super insight as to what will resonate with the tour market, and then write an article on the top topics mentioned and post on your website for some awesome insightful info for your audience to drool over…

Referral Marketing

So one of the fastest-growing ways to get more eComm sales is through referral marketing (often known as word-of-mouth marketing)…

It is at times overlooked and underrated, but make no mistake, it can have super results…

How so? It’s very simply really…

Humans are social creatures, therefore we have an innate want to share our thoughts and experiences with our friends and family…

This helps each other with avoiding bad experiences and encourages and motivates each other to use products and services that promote a positive experience…

So make sure you are aware, whether you like it or not, people are going to share what they think of your products and service…

Whether that be good or bad. So would not you prefer they share something positive about your products and store?

That is what referral marketing is…

It is when you try to deliberately influence the info that is being shared by others, so as this to be as positive as possible about your brand and products…

Re-targeting Strategies Masterclass

So new website visitors never buy the first visit round, right?

Well, they do sometimes, on occasion, but not very often…

So the best way to re-target these lost visitors is by having specifically targeted ads, focusing on just these website leavers. You can do this by adding a small piece of code to your website called a Pixel…

Pixels are small pieces of code that enable you to track user activity on your website…

It is super powerful to help re-target your paid ad campaigns to specific users who have already checked out your website…

It adds a whole new dimension and layer to your personalized messaging tactics for your eComm marketing strategy…

After visitors have left your website, you can put ads in front of them with follow up messages to encourage them to return to your website and buy your products…

Sounds simple but the effects of this strategy are mind-boggling…

That is our 9 Strategies to Explode Your eCommerce Sales for you for today…

If you would like even more ways to explode your sales in 90 days…

Then get our FREE eBook below today!

It has more unbelievable effect ways to generate more leads and sales from your Online Business…

Or if you are ready to take the next step and catapult your business forward, then lock in risk Free Strategy Call by hitting the button below that says – Organise a 30 minute call with one of our experts 

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